Springville Schools is committed to creating and sustaining a coordinated effort to improve the overall safety and well-being of our students, educators, and our community at large.
The district has partnered with Sandy Hook Promise to provide anonymous reporting for grades 6-12. Students can report an incident, their own incident, or one in which they have witnessed, through an online portal using the Sandy Hook Promise App (Google Play Or Apple Store), website, or their ClassLink portal.
For students who would rather report an incident in person and for grades K-5, the district encourages students to reach out to any school-related employee for assistance.
The District seeks to create an environment free of harassment, bullying, and discrimination; to foster civility in its schools; and to prevent conduct that is inconsistent with its educational mission. This policy is just one component of the District's overall commitment to maintaining a discrimination and harassment-free educational and work environment.
The District, therefore, prohibits all forms of harassment and bullying of students by employees or other students on school property and at school functions. The District further prohibits discrimination against students, including, but not limited to, discriminatory acts based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or sex by employees or other students on school property and at school functions.
In addition, other acts of harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination that occur off school property may be subject to discipline or other corrective action, where such acts create or would foreseeably create a risk of substantial disruption within the school environment, where it is foreseeable that the conduct, threats, intimidation, or abuse might reach school property.
False reporting of an incident is against state law and school policy.
Section 240.50 of the New York State Penal Law states: A person is guilty of falsely reporting an incident when, knowing the information reported, conveyed, or circulated to be false or baseless, he/she initiates a false report or warning of an alleged occurrence or impending occurrence of a crime, catastrophe or emergency under circumstances in which it is not unlikely that public alarm or inconvenience will result. This is a Class A Misdemeanor.